Strategies for Speech Impairment by Menachem Moscovitz

Menachem Moscovitz says that we all know that good communication is significant for successful learning. Communication skills help children to make new friends and share their outlook.

Menachem Moscovitz

It enables a kid to reason and learning that leads to personal and knowledge growth. It also helps a child/student to develop a sense of self and the feeling of belonging to a community or a group.

As a teacher, if you discover that a student of yours is facing speech or language difficulties you might wonder what can do to help him/her. Before finding out ways to help your students first you must know or understand the different kinds of teaching strategies we can rely on to make an impact.

What is Speech and Language Impairment?

Speech and language impairment can range from mild to severe. A student may face difficulty in speaking, or understanding. This can cause low self-esteem, and frustration, and may lead to behavior differences/problems in class.

Students who face speech impairment can have average intelligence but may have other learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD. In most cases, speech impairment is linked with conditions such as hearing loss, down syndrome, cerebral palsy or autism. 

Menachem Moscovitz

Teaching Strategies- How Can a Teacher Help?

  • Accept and Encourage Every Form of Communication

Students who face speech impairment often lack confidence and Menachem Moscovitz says that some students might feel inferior. Avoid asking them to repeat mispronounced words, it is better to model the correct form in your response. As a teacher, you should allow alternative ways of communicating like gestures, writing or drawing.

  • Be Conscious of your Communication Style

Make sure that your language is clear and always try to speak while you face the class so that learners can see your expressions and read your lips if necessary. Try to avoid big words and always be prepared to repeat anything a student does not understand.

  • Be Flexible With Students

Give a student with speech impairment time to think and respond to questions. All learners can benefit from this. Be flexible according to your student’s needs.

  • Tips for Positive Communication 

The ability to understand impaired speech improves with continued exposure and listening, as does the ability to understand a foreign accent.

Menachem Moscovitz

  • Hold Engaging Activities

Students with speech impairment avoid participating in activities mostly because they are shy or nervous. Speaking in front of the whole class can seem daunting to such students. Menachem Moscovitz shares that a teacher can change or create a positive difference in a speech-impaired student with fun-filled and engaging activities.

With time to understand impaired speech improves with continued exposure and listening. 

  • As a teacher, you should be patient and listen carefully

  • Do not provide or finish a sentence on behalf of a student who stutters or speaks with difficulty, let the student complete his or her thoughts
  • Allow students with communication problem to participate in class discussions as much as possible
  • Allow students who face communication issues to use a word processor, signboard, or sign interpreter in a class
  • Sometimes even if you do not understand what a student is saying pretend to understand and allow him/her to repeat the communication

Whether you want to improve your teaching skills or personality skills, Mr. Menachem Moscovitz can help you in every phase of your life.

Menachem Moscovitz

So, just make an appointment with Mr. Menachem today if you dreadfully want to share your passion in the classroom.

Teaching Strategies for Students with ADHD by Menachem Moscovitz

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition that develops from childhood and can be identified if a child has the following symptoms:

  • Lack of attention
  • Impulse control
  • Hyperactivity

Menachem Moscovitz

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 9 percent of American children between the age group of 13-18 suffer through ADHD, with boys being 4 times more at risk than girls.

Strategies for the classroom by Menachem Moscovitz

  • Classroom rules: Teachers should make sure that the classroom rules are concise and clear. Ask students if they understood rules properly or not and post them prominently in the classroom.
  • Seating: Students with ADHD are susceptible to distractions more than other students, so make sure the student is seated close to you. Menachem Moscovitz suggests making sure that students with ADHD should be seated away from outdoor distractions such as- doors, windows, cubby areas, etc.
  • Appreciation matters: Give students frequent and immediate feedback for good behavior in the classroom. Ignore negative behavior that is minimal and not disruptive. Students who perform well reward them this will encourage them to perform better later on.
  • Let students move around: Give students the freedom to move around, run errands to the office or other areas in the school building, erase the board, etc. Allow students to stand up at the desk if it helps them stay active and on task.
  • Workload: Try to reduce the workload of students with ADHD. You can break down the workload into smaller sections. Do not let students feel pressurized this would make can result in stress.

Menachem Moscovitz

With ADHD, effective teachers periodically question children’s understanding of the material, probe for correct answers before calling on other students, and identify which students need additional assistance.

Teachers should keep in mind that transitions from one lesson or class to another are particularly difficult for students with ADHD. When they are prepared for transitions, these children are more likely to respond and to stay on task.

Menachem Moscovitz

The following set of strategies may assist teachers in conducting effective lessons:

  • Conducting lessons: To conduct lessons with students who have ADHD, effective teachers periodically question children’s understanding of the material. Try to identify students who need extra attention. Teachers should follow the following set of strategies to conduct effective lessons:
  • Support student participation: Menachem Moscovitz says that no matter how busy you are in your own life, but as a teacher, you have to put in the extra effort. You can provide students with ADHD with clues so that they can stay on task and give a warning that they will be called upon shortly. These little gestures can show great potential in kids. Avoid sarcasm and anger in the classroom even for a short span.
  • Help students focus: Encourage students to take on the task and keep working on it. For example, you can give or offer follow-up directions or assign learning partners. These practice does not have to be directed at a single student.

Girl doing homework

Whether you want to improve your teaching skills or personality skills, Mr. Menachem Moscovitz can help you in every phase of your life.

So, just make an appointment with Mr. Menachem Moscovitz today if you dreadfully want to share your passion in the classroom.

Effective Strategies for Classroom Management by Menachem Moscovitz

Managing a classroom can be difficult especially when you do not know how to make students listen to you. Menachem Moscovitz shares that according to a 2006 research, some teachers lack professional development support in improving classroom management.

There are some straightforward approaches you can implement yourself to improve classroom discipline. Even if you don’t agree with these approaches, these approaches can enhance pro-social student behavior.

Menachem Moscovitz

Below are some classroom management strategies and techniques that can make a huge difference. Menachem Moscovitz believes that teachers should do research on various techniques and try them out as well. There are some universal classroom management strategies as well which you can find on the internet and take inspiration from them.

  • Ideal Behaviour

Whether you are a parent or a teacher make it a habit to demonstrate a behavior you want to see. Studies show that modeling effectively teaches students how to should or how to act in various situations.

Menachem Moscovitz advises using a straightforward way to model certain behaviors such as holding a mock conversation with an admin,  or other teacher or student in front of the class.

Keep the following things in mind:

  • Speak in a polite manner
  • Always maintain eye contact
  • Keep the phone in your pockets
  • Let the other person speak first and then make your point

Menachem Moscovitz

  • Let Students Establish Guidelines

It is the teacher’s responsibility to engage students in classroom activities. Take help from students to make classroom rules, this way you are not instructing them or telling them what they are not allowed to do.

Near the start of the year or a semester, start a discussion in your class by asking students what they believe they should and shouldn’t do. Ask your class questions such as at what point mobile phones are okay? You may be shocked at the strictness of some rules. Regardless, holding a discussion can lead to mutually understood and respected expectations.

  • Avoid Punishing the Class

Teachers should try to address isolated issues instead of punishing the whole class. As it can latter hurt your relationships with students who are sincere and active thereby jeopardize classroom management efforts.

Menachem Moscovitz suggests that instead of calling out specific students in a friendly and polite manner.

Menachem Moscovitz

For example: “Do you have a question?”, instead of “Stop talking?” or “Do you need help focusing?” instead of “Pay attention and stop fooling around?”. This simple and basic approach can create a huge difference in your classroom management.

  • Offer praise

Praise students for jobs well done, as doing so improves academic and behavioral performance, according to a recent research review and study.

When it is sincere and references specific examples of effort or accomplishment, praise can:

  •  Praise Students

Students love positive feedback’s and honest praise from their teachers. Teachers should praise students for jobs well done, as this can improve academic and behavioral performance.

Sincere praise can:

  • Inspire the whole class
  • Improves students self-esteem
  • It encourages other students to perform better and repeat the positive behavior
  • You can motivate other students at the same time

Menachem Moscovitz

Following are some other ways suggested by Menachem Moscovitz to maintain classroom discipline:

  1. Hold parties to motivate students and appreciate their efforts
  2. Use visual aids/non-verbal communication to improve content delivery
  3. Reward specific students in front of the whole class to apply the behavior-reinforcement technique
  4. Make positive letters and phone calls to students parents
  5. Allow students to work in groups while taking notes
  6. Address bad behavior quickly but remember it is best to talk in private

Whether you want to improve your teaching skills or personality skills, Mr. Menachem Moscovitz can help you in every phase of your life.

So, just make an appointment with Mr. Menachem Moscovitz today if you dreadfully want to share your passion in the classroom.